1·They would like to buy a flat - at the moment they rent - but a housing bubble in Shanghai is making that difficult.
2·B: Mr. Chen, we have seen many apartments, and finally agreed to rent the Robinson Garden flat.
3·Stuck in an ocean of honking traffic in the city centre, Babu Lal complains about the exorbitant rent on his two-room flat, hard to afford on his earnings as a driver.
Babu Lal在市中心喧嚣车流中遇堵,嘴里还在抱怨他那二居室高得离谱的房租,这是他作司机挣钱所难以承受的。
4·I shall certainly be inviting these BrainJuicer people to rent my flat for the summer.
5·Although Levy has a pension, most of it is eaten up by rent on a one-bedroom flat and food and utilities.
6·At 16, he had moved out once again and lived alone in a small flat above a garage his grandmother owned, earning his rent by working in a restaurant after school.
7·When Liz's father failed to pay the rent on their flat and moved to a homeless shelter, Liz was out on the streets.
8·A current case involves a mother of four with a history of mental illness who was evicted from her council flat for rent arrears.
9·For example, we would communicate in Order to rent a flat (shelter).
10·He decided he would lose no time living in hotels but would rent a flat. Accordingly he told Carrie, and she agreed.